On the weekend of September 21st, Society members Cooper Bramble '20, William Howie '20, and John DiGravio '21 attended the Intercollegiate Studies Institute Pittsburgh Leadership Conference, titled "American Education: True & False."
Students from across the Northeast gathered at the historic Omni William Penn Hotel to interact with guest speakers including Professor Richard Gamble of Hillsdale College (author of The Great Tradition, pictured with students above), Professor Harrison Kleiner of Utah State University, Professor Bradley C.S. Watson of St. Vincent College, and Lindsay Burke of the Heritage Foundation. The lectures concerned the purpose and structure of liberal education. As Professor Kleiner concluded in the evening keynote, a true education should cultivate "the moral intellectual habits of mind conditioned for human flourishing."
The Society earnestly thanks the Intercollegiate Studies Institute for hosting this event and generously subsidizing travel and accommodation costs.